We Help Parties in Conflict get to “Yes.”


Mediation is a guided negotiation process designed to help parties reach resolution outside of litigation. By focusing on collaboration and understanding, it empowers those involved to find common ground and craft their own solutions. At Bridges Dispute Resolution, our experienced mediators specialize in facilitating these discussions.


Arbitration is a formal dispute resolution process akin to a civil trial. In this process, an arbiter acts as a neutral third party, hearing evidence and arguments from both sides before ultimately making a binding decision. It serves as a streamlined alternative to traditional court trials, offering a faster and more confidential means of resolving conflicts.

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Diverse Perspectives—Better Outcomes

We established our panel of professionals with a dual objective: to offer our clients not only technical legal experts but also real-world practitioners who understand practical realities parties face. Because of this, our mediators and arbitrators are able to navigate complex issues, guiding parties towards pragmatic resolutions that effectively address even the most contentious disagreement.