Seattle Dispute Resolution Mediation Lawyers

When you need to resolve a legal dispute in Seattle, mediation is often a preferred method of finding a mutually agreeable solution. However, while efficient, mediation is not always simple, and your rights and interests are still at risk.

At Bridges Dispute Resolution, our Seattle mediation attorneys have the experience to handle even the most complicated mediation cases. Contact us today to find out how we can facilitate the most efficient yet favorable resolution to your dispute possible through alternatives to litigation. Call (206) 621-1110 to learn more.

Why Choose Our Mediation Lawyers?

At Bridges Dispute Resolution, we are dedicated to finding effective solutions for our clients that do not use unnecessary resources. Our mediation lawyers are well-versed in the mediation process and have a proven track record of representing our clients' rights throughout it.

When you seek solutions to address legal issues with minimal stress and maximum cooperation, you want mediation attorneys with experience and commitment to the process. Discuss your options with our team and whether mediation is the right course of action for your case.


How Mediation Works

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process that allows parties involved in a legal dispute to reach a resolution without going to court. It involves a neutral third party, called a mediator, who facilitates communication and negotiation between the parties.

The mediation process typically follows these steps:

  • Introduction: The mediator introduces themselves and explains the purpose and rules of mediation. They also establish the ground rules for respectful and constructive communication.

  • Opening Statements: Each party has the opportunity to present their side of the story and express their concerns and interests. This allows all parties to clearly understand the issues at hand.

  • Information Gathering: The mediator may ask questions to gather more information about the dispute. They may also request relevant documents or evidence to support each party's arguments.

  • Negotiation: The mediator facilitates a negotiation process where the parties engage in a constructive discussion to find common ground and explore possible solutions. The mediator may offer suggestions or propose solutions, but ultimately, the decision-making power lies with the parties involved.

  • Agreement: If the parties can reach a mutually agreeable solution, a written agreement is drafted detailing the terms of the resolution. Once signed by all parties involved, the agreement becomes legally binding.

  • Follow-Up: In some cases, a follow-up session may be necessary to uphold the terms of the agreement.

While the process might seem straightforward, many obstacles can arise. You want skilled legal representation from Bridges Dispute Resolution from the beginning to the end of your mediation.

Choosing Mediation for Alternative Dispute Resolution

Mediation offers numerous advantages over traditional litigation. Here are some reasons why you may want to consider mediation as an alternative dispute resolution method:

  • Cost-Effective: Mediation is generally more cost-effective than going to court. It eliminates the need for extensive legal preparation, repeated court appearances, and other expenses associated with traditional litigation.

  • Faster Resolution: Mediation aims for timely resolutions, allowing parties to move forward with their lives and businesses. Court cases can drag on for months or even years, causing stress, frustration, and unnecessary delays.

  • Confidentiality: Mediation proceedings are generally confidential, meaning that your dispute's details will not become public record. This allows for more open and honest communication during the mediation process.

  • Preservation of Relationships: Mediation focuses on fostering collaboration and finding win-win solutions. It allows parties to maintain relationships and find resolutions that work for everyone involved, minimizing the damage to personal and professional connections.

Even with all these benefits, mediation is not right for every dispute. Our Seattle mediation lawyers can assess your circumstances and advise whether your case is a candidate for mediation.

What Cases Can Benefit From Mediation?

Mediation can resolve a wide range of disputes across various practice areas. Here are some practice areas where mediation is common:

Real Estate

Real estate transactions can be complicated, and disputes about property ownership, leases, contracts, or boundary disputes often arise. Mediation provides a cost-effective and efficient way to resolve real estate disputes while preserving relationships between parties.

Business Law

In business, disputes can arise in many areas, such as contract disputes, partnership disputes, shareholder disputes, or disputes between businesses and customers. Mediation allows for a flexible and collaborative approach, potentially avoiding the costly and time-consuming process of court litigation while striving for a solution that benefits all parties involved.

Family Law

Family law disputes, such as divorce, child custody, and spousal support, can be emotionally charged and challenging for all parties involved. Mediation provides an opportunity for families to work together to find solutions that are in the best interests of the children and the family as a whole.


Disputes over wills, trusts, or estate distribution can be highly contentious and can strain family relationships. Mediation provides a confidential and less adversarial setting for parties to negotiate and find resolutions that protect their interests while maintaining family harmony.

Construction Law

Construction projects often involve multiple parties, including contractors, subcontractors, and property owners. Disputes can arise regarding project delays, contractual issues, or payment disputes. Mediation allows for a collaborative approach to problem-solving, potentially reaching a resolution that is beneficial to all parties involved.

Employment Law

Issues such as wrongful termination, discrimination, or wage disputes can be resolved through mediation. This avoids the costly and time-consuming lawsuit process and allows parties to work together to find practical solutions.

Why You Need Our Trusted Seattle Mediation Attorneys

Protecting your interests in mediation requires skilled and experienced professionals. Here's why you want our trusted Seattle mediation lawyers:

  • Knowledge of the law: Our mediation attorneys have an in-depth understanding of dispute resolution. We can provide you with advice and guidance tailored to the specifics of your case.

  • Strong advocacy: Our mediation attorneys will advocate for your interests throughout the mediation process. We will ensure your concerns are heard and work towards a resolution protecting your rights.

  • Objective perspective: We can provide an objective perspective on the issues at hand. This allows for a fair and balanced negotiation process, increasing the chances of reaching a satisfactory resolution.

  • Effective communication: Our attorneys excel in communication skills. We can effectively convey your concerns and interests to the other parties involved, fostering constructive dialogue and negotiation.

  • Efficient problem-solving: With our experience in mediation, our attorneys are skilled at identifying creative solutions and helping parties find common ground.

Consult Our Seattle Mediation Lawyers Today

Resolving disputes through mediation provides a more efficient, cost-effective, and mutually satisfactory solution for all parties involved. At Bridges Dispute Resolution, our skilled Seattle mediation lawyers are ready to guide you through the mediation process to reach a resolution that works for everyone.

Contact our Seattle mediation lawyers today at (206) 621-1110 to schedule a consultation and find out how we can assist you in navigating through your dispute.